Fathers and daughters share a special relation. Daughters pull on their dad’s heartstrings while dad’s serve as the 1st model of what a man is supposed to be. Below you’ll find a millions collection of humorous and heartwarming father and daughter quotes.
Checkout Amazing Father and Daughter Quotes
“I took my daughter to the father-daughter dance, and I cried like a little baby.” – Kevin Hart
“It’s about a father and daughter and the daughter’s friend and her relationship with her current husband.” – Ismail Merchant
“Today, Arizona’s sons and daughters, mothers and fathers are proudly serving their country.” – Jane D. Hull
“When a father of a daughter dies, you elevate them. And you sort of deify them.” – Mariella Frostrup
“There is something special and different about being a father to twin daughters.” – Ken Jeong
“Your son and your daughter needs an excellent father more than an excellent college.” – Nick Vujicic
“Dangal’ worked because it dealt with the universal emotion behind the father and daughter.” – Rajiv Menon
“As a husband and a father of two daughters, I want young women around the globe to have the same rights and opportunities as my daughters.” – Mike Quigley
“I love exploring the relationship between fathers and daughters. I think that’s a special thing, especially with daughters who are dealing with being adults.” – Tim Daly
“I have two extraordinary daughters, who, I can say proudly, are doing very well in school and in piano. Daughters are a father’s joy.” – James McGreevey
“When husbands and fathers leave, their wives and daughters tend to value themselves less as a result.” – Emma Thompson
“Some fathers raise their daughters to be seen and not heard; they raise their daughters not to speak out. Raise strong women!” – Meghan McCain
“But Dad and I are the only father-and-daughter acts who have both had No. 1 songs in England.” – Lily Allen
“Our Heavenly Father created the universe that we might reach our potential as His sons and daughters.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“‘Frances’ is a longtime family name on my dad’s side. My grandfather, father, brother, and my daughter’s name is Frances.” – Kate Spade
“Every day is Father’s Day for me to my father. And hopefully I can do the right things for my daughter where she thinks the same.” – Saquon Barkley
“At the bottom, all wars are the same because they involve death and maiming and wounding, and grieving mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.” – Tim O’Brien
“Mothers, stay close to your daughters. Earn and deserve their love and respect. Be united with their father in the rearing of your children. Do nothing in your life to cause your daughters to stumble because of your example.” – Ezra Taft Benson
“I am from a woman’s family. My great-grandmother had three daughters and a son. My grandmother had two daughters, and my mother had two daughters. My sister had a daughter and then finally a son. You should have seen my father with the son. He could not believe that finally there was a boy in the family.” – Chantal Akerman
“In 2011, when my father passed away – I had my daughter first; I had her on January 24, and I had a seizure during the delivery. I lived through that, and five weeks later, my father died suddenly of a heart attack, and I lived through that. And then my daughter had surgery, and I lived through that.” – Courtney A. Kemp
“We must speed up the time table for fathers, brothers and sons to provide their mothers, daughters and sisters with the same opportunities that they give themselves.” – Madeleine M. Kunin
“I’m the father of three daughters, and they’re all highly trained professionals. Two of them are mothers, and the other one wants to be at some point.” – Tom Brokaw
“My father was a writer; I’ve known a lot of children of writers – daughters and sons of writers, and it can be a hard way to grow up.” – Caitlin Flanagan
“I have seen America’s sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers fight valiantly for our freedom and pay the ultimate sacrifice to defend us.” – Ryan Zinke
“I’m a father with two daughters, and I don’t want them to feel that they have to go and work in China when they are older.” – Joe Kaeser
“Since the beginning, a woman’s first and most important role has been ushering into mortality spirit sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.” – Ezra Taft Benson
“Every day is Father’s Day to me when I’m with her: when I’ll be able to hold my daughter and see her grow and see her smile. That’s Father’s Day to me every day.” – Saquon Barkley
“Women have been such an important part of my life. I try, every day, to be a better father to my daughters and a better husband.” – Nate Parker
“We must work together to save and strengthen Social Security not just for my father’s generation but also for my daughters’ generation.” – John Thune
“In the South, everyone speaks, if you know each other or not. I’m raising my daughter more Southern, like how her father and I were raised.” -Shanola Hampton
“Go on daddy-daughter dates and father-and-sons’ outings with your children. As a family, go on campouts and picnics, to ball games and recitals, to school programs, and so forth. Having Dad there makes all the difference.” –
Amazing Father and Daughter Quotes With Images