80+ Beautiful Sad Quotes On Relationship [That Make You Cry]

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According to the “universality studies” conducted by psychologists Paul Ekman, Carroll Izard, and Friesen (1969-1972), the words Happiness. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Contempt. Surprise. Disgust. describe the natural expressions of emotion shared by the entire human race.

No satan can unsettle what God has settled.

Maybe I’d see how you could be so certain that we had no chance…at all. Sad quotes on relationship #84.

I see you in every passing moment.

You cannot occupy a proper place on earth without wisdom. It is the principal thing you must have.

Create your own path.Don’t blindly follow the massess… because most of the time the “M” is silent. Sad quotes on relationship #87.

We do not recognize that we are addicted to some negative psychological habit, some terribly self-destructive patterns of thinking…

I just wanted to tell you, how beautiful you were; that day, that night, that life.

Loving you was easy. Hating you was hard. Falling out was insane.

I danced as he twirled in and out of consciousness, and there we were, one in love and the other astray.

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