80+ Beautiful Sad Quotes On Relationship [That Make You Cry]

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Find answers in your weakness and surprise in your strength and always remember the golden rule every failure has HOPES

A lot of pain that we are dealing with are really only THOUGHTS. Sad quotes on relationship #72.

I love you. That never changed eversince that day you walked right in front of me.

When we are preoccupied with wealth and material acquisitions, it chokes God’s word in us and makes it unfruitful. But if we follow His plan of being prosperous you will enjoy the blessings of this life.

Watch her, Oliver,” Gabi said. “She carries guilt and sadness, and she is protecting her heart.”“Her last relationship was toxic.”“I sense that. You need to be patient with her, but she will be worth it.

Have and show motivation to do and learn. That’s the key for a good career. Everything else is an extrapolation of that.

Empathy is different from sympathy. Sympathy is standing on the outside of a situation and looking in (e.g. “I’m sorry you’re sad.”) Empathy is stepping into the situation with the other person and feeling the emotion with them (e.g. “Wow, this is sad”). Sad quotes on relationship #78.

Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and doing it at the right time to get the desired result. It is also the correct application of knowledge.

If there is a particular person in your life that is repeatedly choosing not to honor you and is causing you more sadness or pain than they are joy – it might be time to release that friendship back to God and trust that it is not where you belong.

I hope when you experience deep sadness you have the courage to redirect your life I hope you appreciate the value of time and never allow money to consume you Sad quotes on relationship #81.

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