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Looking for spiritual mom quotes? We have rounded up the best collection of spiritual mother quotes, sayings, captions, messages, (with images and pictures) to express your love, respect, for your mother and how special she means to you.


  1. “A mom’s hug lasts long after she lets go.” ― Unknown
  2. “No man is poor who has a Godly mother.” ― Abraham Lincoln
  3. “The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children.” ― Karl Lagerfeld
  4. “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” ― Robert A. Heinlein
  5. “My mom smiled at me. Her smile kind of hugged me.” ― J. Palacio
  6. “The best place to cry is on a mother’s arms.” ― Jodi Picoult
  7. “Children are the anchors of a mother’s life.” ― Sophocles
  8. “Everything I am is because of my mom.” ― Sarah Michelle Gellar
  9. “There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.” ― Chinese Proverb
  10. “Mothers possess a power beyond that of a king on his throne.” ― Mabel Hale
  11. “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” ― Rudyard Kipling
  12. “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” ― Barbara Kingsolver
  13. “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” ― Milton Berle
  14. “Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.” ― George Eliot
  15. “Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.” ― Erich Fromm
  16. “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” ― Robert Browning
  17. “There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.” ― Billy Sunday
  18. “Most mothers are instinctive philosophers.” ― Harriet Beecher Stowe
  19. “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.” ― The Golden Girls
  20. “In the end, Mothers are always right. No one else tells the truth.” ― Randy Susan Meyers
  21. “I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” ― Mitch Albom
  22. “Mother’s ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide.” ― Amit Ray
  23. “But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begins.” ― Mitch Albom
  24. “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” ― Honore de Balzac
  25. “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” ― Cardinal Mermillod
  26. “My mother raised me with God. We were poor financially, but we were rich spiritually.” ― T
  27. “I guess if there is a big spiritual experience in my life, it is me becoming a mother.” ― Liz Murray
  28. “Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth.” ― Mary Antin
  29. “My mother is a spiritual singer in Kanpur and she has devoted her entire life to singing at various jagratas and religious ceremonies.” ― Ankit Tiwari
  30. “I grew up in a very spiritual home in a Liberty City neighborhood of Miami, FL. I was raised in the church, and my mother was a very inspirational person in my life.” ― Robert Battle
  31. “I’m more of a realist when it comes to life, and I’d much rather my mother be in a spiritual place in Heaven than in a bed, sick, fighting for her life.” ― Kevin Hart
  32. “I was never pushed into the religion by my mother or anyone else. I made up my own mind when I was old enough. I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual.” ― Janet Jackson
  33. “My mother picked my name with a spiritual intention: Destiny, ‘what was meant to be.’ She was a very special woman, and a gifted witch.” ― Princess Nokia
  34. “I was raised into the Romanian Orthodox culture by my parents, and most notably my mother, who is a profoundly religious and spiritual woman.” ― Dominique Moceanu
  35. “I heard stories from my mother’s mother who was an American Indian. She was spiritual, although she did not go to church, but she had the hum. She used to tell me stories of the rivers.” ― Tina Turner
  36. “I don’t remember ever not singing. My mother loved music, and she taught me songs, country music, spirituals. I would sing for people and pass the hat when I was 4.” ― Florence Henderson
  37. “I have two young children, and I will say that motherhood is its own peak, just like in the process of writing: one climbs and is continuously moving with each book. Becoming a mother is the greatest connection I’ve ever felt to being spiritual.” ― Jhumpa Lahiri
  38. “Both spiritual companionship and spiritual motherliness are not limited to the physical wife and mother relationship, but they extend to all people with whom woman comes into contact.” ― Edith Stein
  39. “A person like me who has grown up in a mixed culture ought to be spiritual. My mother is a Catholic, my father is a Muslim, and my wife is a Hindu. Personally, I feel spirituality is about being clear-hearted. It involves a sense of connection with the divine.” ― Emraan Hashmi
  40. “My mother’s a very spiritual woman, and I think Pentecostal religion, Bible religion, was very important to her because it gave her a context for a very spiritual approach to life.” ― Rodney Crowell
  41. “As a child I always wanted to be a singer. The music my mother played in the house moved me – Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Mahalia Jackson. It was truly spiritual. It made you understand what God was. We are all spirits. We get depressed. But music makes you want to live. I know my music has saved my life.” ― Mary J. Blige
  42. “People remember the different variations of stuffed cabbage based on their mothers and grandmothers. It’s not just about food. Eating something as traditional as this is a cultural experience, one that is spiritual and nostalgic. It manages to transcend time; it’s food for the soul.” ― Gil Marks
  43. “Both my parents were agnostic. My mother was kind of a Buddhist. She had some spiritual tendencies, but they were kind of flaky – New Agey, you know? Which is partly why I’m suspicious of that sort of thing. I’m skeptical of any spiritual practice that doesn’t involve other people and doesn’t involve some sort of consistent tradition.” ― Mary Karr
  44. “I’m a great mother because of my intentions on being a great mother; I’m a good friend because I’m loyal; I’m a good daughter because I’ve hopefully made my mother proud; I’m a great human being because I accept that there’s a spiritual being underneath it all. I’ve always been a woman of faith.” ― Lauren London
  45. “I grew up Catholic. My mother is from El Salvador, so my family on her side is Roman Catholic. My father is Protestant, and while he was spiritual, he wasn’t much of a churchgoing person. I think it’s fairly common for families to be brought up in the mother’s religion.” ― Christy Turlington
  46. “’Duch’ means spirit and ‘ovny’ is kind of the adjectival ending, so the word itself means spiritual. It’s my father’s name, obviously. He took the ‘H’ out because he was tired of people saying Duchovny, but he never did it legally. When my parents divorced, my mother, to my father, put the ‘H’ back in.” ― David Duchovny
  47. “I didn’t grow up around my father. I didn’t really grow up around my mother, either. I was raised by a community of people. Spiritually speaking, my father is in Heaven, and that is who I look to for all my answers. And that’s why my faith is very strong and why my passion is strong.” ― Troy Polamalu
  48. “My mother’s belief in spiritual healers grew stronger after our family went through a rough patch following my father’s death. Sufi saint Karimullah Shah Kadri changed our lives, and all of us converted to Sufism. But it wasn’t an instantaneous decision – it took us 10 years to convert. The change in religion was like washing away the past.” ― R. Rahman
  49. “’The Girls’ tells the story of Rose and Ruby Darlen, who are not only literally but spiritually attached for eternity. Born joined at the head in 1974 to a feckless teenage mother who abandons them, and reared by a delightfully open-minded adoptive couple, the Darlen girls are darling girls, indeed.” ― Stacey D’Erasmo
  50. “My family, frankly, they weren’t folks who went to church every week. My mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew but she didn’t raise me in the church, so I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead.” ― Barack Obama


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