Top 97+ Funny Minions quotes and sayings

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“81. Have you ever felt like you did everything right… and it still all went wrong.”

“82. Dealing with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall.”

“83. Human logic: Cut the trees, made paper with them and write “Save the trees”.”

“84. Good Relationships Don’t just happen. They take Time, Patience, and two people who truly want to be together.”

“85. Coffee! Coffee!! It’s our drink! If we don’t get it, we can’t think.”

“86. Single stress is now gone life is easier.”

“87. Great minds think alike… But dirty minds work together.”

“88. Hillbilly Motorcycle Cow-A-Socky.”

“89. Just because I can’t sing, doesn’t mean I won’t sing.”

“90. I’ll call it a smartphone the day I yell “Where’s my phone?” and it yells “Down here! In the couch cushions!”.”

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