The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is an international day against illegal drugs and its trade. It is held on 26 June annually.
Illegal use of drugs is increasing day by day; both in children and adults. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking aims at creating awareness regarding drugs, its bad effect on physical as well as mental health.
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed in October annually in the United States.
Many awareness programs and campaigns are held regarding drugs abuse. Following are the quotes and slogans about drugs abuse – Weed, Cocaine, Dope, Marijuana, Meth etc.
- Anti Drugs Abuse Slogans
- Inspirational Anti Drugs Quotes
- Drugs Quotes and Funny Drugs Quotes
Anti Drugs Abuse Slogans
Following are the slogans about drugs, weed, marijuana, dope etcetera with images.
“Dont Get High, Reach For The Sky!”
“Nobody Wanna’ Some Marijuana!”

“Users Are Losers, And Losers Are Users”
“It Is Easier To Stay Off Drugs Than To Get Off Drugs”
“Mary Jane Ruins The Brain”
“Pull The Plug On Drugs!”
“Drugs Are Retarded, So Don’T Get Started”

“Up With Hope Down With Dope”
“Delete Drugs Or They Will Delete You From This World”
“Who Says Being A Quitter Is A Bad Thing?”
“I’D Rather Eat Breakfast-In-Bed Than Be Called A Pothead”
“God Made The Herb To Use, Not To Abuse”

“Dope Is For Dopes”
“A Loser In Life Is A User In Life”
“Dead -Drugs End All Dreams”
“Pot Makes Your Brain Rot, So Lets Not”
“Don’T Do Pot, Your Brain Will Rot”

“I Rather Eat Bugs Than Do Drugs”
“Say Nope To Dope” Perwickstrom.com
“Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Hate Drugs, How About You?”
“Hugs Not Drugs”
“Hang Tough, Don’T Puff”

“Only Dopes Do Dope”
“Life Can Take You Higher Than Drugs”
“Itune Out Drugs And You Should To”
“Take The Lead Dont Do Weed”
“Come With Me And Be Drug Free”

“Don’T Choose The Booze If You Choose The Booze, You Lose”
“Drug Abuse? No Excuse!”
“Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My! Drinking And Smoking And Drugs? Goodbye!”
“You Know Marijuana? Well You Don’T Wanna”
“You Don’T Need Heroin To Be A Hero”
“There Is No Need To Smoke That Weed!”
“If Your Having Drug Problems I Feel Sorry For You Son”
“I Got 99 Problems But Drugs Isnt One”
“Get On High On Grades Not On Drugs”
“Wasted? So Is Your Life”

“What’S Your Anti-Drug?”
“Don’T Let Drugs Trick You…They Are Not A Treat”
“When You Take Drugs, Your Loved Ones Pay For It”
“Smoking The Dope Won’T Help You Cope”
“The Best Me Is Drug Free”

“When You Huff And You Puff You Will Blow Your Life Away”
“Sing Songs Don’T To Do Bongs”
“Love Saves Lives Drugs Take Lives”
“Life Is Like A Game Board, Don’T Make The Wrong Turn”
“No Drug Users Grow Old; Because They Die Young”

“On Dope, No Hope”
“Pcp Bad For Me”
“I Don’T Do Drugs, I Don’T Do Weed, I Just Want Hugs, That’S All I Need”
“Drugs Gave Me Wings To Fly, But They Took Away My Blue Sky”
“Too Smart To Start”

“There’S No Intervention, Start With Prevention”
“Put That Stash In The Trash” Buzzle.com
“Don’T Start And Be Smart”
“A Friend In Deed, Won’T Make You Smoke That Weed”
“If You Do Cocaine, You’Ll Go Insane”

“Count On Me To Be Drug Free”
“Keep Off The Grass!”
“An Ounce Of Weed A Day Takes Your Life Away”
“Do Math, Not Meth”
“We’Re Happy Because We’Re Drug Free It’S The Only Way To Be”

“The Choice For Me Is Drug Free”
“Drugs Aren’T Cool, They Make You Look Like A Fool”
“Use Your Brain, Don’T Fry It”
“Drug Free Is The Key!”
“I Never Smoke Weed On Days That End In Y”

“Drug Free… Is The Chance For Me To Be The Very Best Me!!!”
“Drugs Are Whack So Watch Your Back”
“Dont Do Weed Its For Dweebs”
“Don’T Be A Clown! Drugs Will Keep You Down!”
“Weed Costs You More Than Money”

“Be Fly Don’T Get High”
“You Might Have 99 Other Addictions But Don’T Let Drugs Be One Of Them”
“Cake Not Coke”
“People Become Slugs When They Do Drugs”
“Drug Is A Poison That Kills My Ambition”

“Let’S Make A Difference,Don’T Get Drug Addiction!!”
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Drug User, You Won’T Get Very Far!”
“Drugs: A Grave Mistake”
“Say Yes To Life And Say No To Drugs”
“Be All That You Can Be, Avoid Crack Cocaine And Ecstasy”
“You’Ll Like Pot, Untill You Get Caught”
“No Need For Weed”

“Do Dope, Lose Hope”
“Drugs Kills A Mans Skills”
“Drug Free Is The Way To Be” Drugfreeforme.net
“Drugs Makes A Strong Person A Weak Link”
“Drugs Cost You More Than Just Money”

“I’D Rather Get My A** Bit By A Piranha Than Smoke Marijuana”
“Live With Your Eyes Open Not Closed!”
“Shoot For The Stars Not Your Arms”
“Do A Good Deed And Kill The Weed”
“Its Not Cool To Make Yourself Fool – Say No To Drugs”
“I’M Too Good For Drugs”
“Get High On Life Not Drugs”

“Crack Is Whack”
“Stand Up To Drugs Or Fall To Your Knees Your Life, Your Choice…… Stand Up Please”
“I’M Too Smart To Start”
“If You Aren’T Drug Free You Can’T Hang With Me”
“There Is No Excuse For Drug Abuse”

“The More You Use, The Less You Live”
“Drugs Kick You When You’Re Already Down – Don’T Do Drugs Before It’S Too Late”
“Proud To Be Drug Free”
“Don’T Huff, Don’T Puff Keep Away From That Stuff”
“Be A Smartie Not A Dum Dum”
“Drugs: You Use, You Lose”
Inspirational Anti Drugs Quotes
Following are the Inspiring drugs quotes with images to motivate drugs addiction patients:
“It’s an ordinary day for Brian. Like, he died every day, you know.” » Peter Townsend

“Reality is just a crutch for people who can’t cope with drugs.” » Robin Williams
“I’ve never had a problem with drugs. I’ve had problems with the police.” » Keith Richards

“Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.” » Philip K. Dick

“If you think dope is for kicks and for thrills, you’re out of your mind. There are more kicks to be had in a good case of paralytic polio or by living in an iron lung. If you think you need stuff to play music or sing, you’re crazy. It can fix you so you can’t play nothing or sing nothing.” » Billie Holiday

“A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole.” » Frank Zappa

“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” » Ernest Hemingway

“Don’t do drugs because if you do drugs you’ll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison.” » John Hardwick
Drugs Quotes and Funny Drugs Quotes
Following are the funny drugs quotes and other drugs related quotes about weed, dope, marijuana etcetera.
“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” – Bill Hicks
“Ignore that nightmare in the bathroom. Just another ugly refugee from the Love Generation, some doom-struck gimp who couldn’t handle the pressure. My attorney has never been able to accept the notion – often espoused by reformed drug abusers and especially popular among those on probation – that you can get a lot higher without drugs than with them. And neither have I, for that matter.” » Hunter S. Thompson
“Fuck the drug war. Dropping acid was a profound turning point for me, a seminal experience. I make no apologies for it. More people should do acid. It should be sold over the counter.” » George Carlin

“The best pitch I ever heard about cocaine was back in the early eighties when a street dealer followed me down the sidewalk going: I got some great blow man. I got the stuff that killed Belushi.” -Denis Leary
“If God dropped acid, would he see people?” – Steven Wright
“Of course drugs were fun. And that’s what’s so stupid about anti-drug campaigns: they don’t admit that. I can’t say I feel particularly scarred or lessened by my experimentation with drugs. They’ve gotten a very bad name.” » Angelica Houston
“Marijuana, when mixed with hay, causes death to the horses that eat it.” » New York Times
“The face of “evil” is always the face of total need. A dope fiend is a man in total need of dope. Beyond a certain frequency need knows absolutely no limit or control. In the words of total need: “Wouldn’t you?” Yes you would. You would lie, cheat, inform on your friends, steal, do anything to satisfy total need. Because you would be in a state of total sickness, total possession, and not in a position to act in any other way. Dope fiends are sick people who cannot act other than they do. A rabid dog cannot choose but bite.” » William S. Burroughs
“It (LSD) opened my eyes. We only use one-tenth of our brain. Just think of what we could accomplish if we could only tap that hidden part! It would mean a whole new world if the politicians would take LSD. There wouldn’t be any more war or poverty or famine.” » Paul McCartney
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” » Holy Bible
“New Rule: Stop putting psychedelic screensavers on computers. I sit down to check my e-mail, and the next thing I know it’s three days later, I’m in the desert, I’m banging on a drum, I’m naked, and somebody’s pierced my dick.” » Bill Maher
“Avoid all needle drugs – the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon” » Abbie Hoffman
“If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution — then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise.” » Aldous Huxley
“I tried marijuana once. I did not inhale.” » Bill Clinton
“All right, brain, I don’t like you and you don’t like me – so let’s just do this and I’ll get back to killing you with beer.” » Homer Simpson
“Reality is just a crutch for people who can’t cope with drugs.” » Robin Williams
“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.” » Edgar Allan Poe

“Nobody stopped thinking about those psychedelic experiences. Once you’ve been to some of those places, you think, ”How can I get back there again but make it a little easier on myself?” » Jerry Garcia
“Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private for personal use.” » Jimmy Carter
“They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you’re high, you can do everything you normally do just as well — you just realize that it’s not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.” » Bill Hicks
“I’ve never had a problem with drugs. I’ve had problems with the police.” » Keith Richards
“I don’t respond well to mellow, you know what I mean, I have a tendency to… if I get too mellow, I ripen and then rot.” » Woody Allen
“Federal and state laws (should) be changed to no longer make it a crime to possess marijuana for private use.” » Richard M. Nixon
“LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.” » Timothy Leary
“I had someone at the Houston police station shoot me with heroin so I could do a story about it. The experience was a special kind of hell. I came out understanding full well how one could be addicted to ‘smack,’ and quickly.” » Dan Rather
“You need a good bedside manner with doctors or you will get nowhere.” » William S. Burroughs
“I think that everything should be made available to everybody, and I mean LSD, cocaine, codeine, grass, opium, the works. Nothing on earth available to any man should be confiscated and made unlawful by other men in more seemingly powerful and advantageous positions.” » Charles Bukowski
“Cocaine is God’s way of telling you are making too much money.” » Robin Williams
“I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.” » Ronald Reagan
“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”- Hunter S. Thompson
“Why is there so much controversy about drug testing? I know plenty of guys who would be willing to test any drug they could come up with” – George Carlin
“40 million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn’t like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton.” » Jay Leno
“If you didn’t do anything that wasn’t good for you it would be a very dull life. What are you gonna do? Everything that is pleasant in life is dangerous. Have you noticed that? I’d like to find the bastard that thought that one up.” » Lemmy Kilmister

“Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.” » Bob Marley
“If addiction is judged by how long a dumb animal will sit pressing a lever to get a ‘fix’ of something, to its own detriment, then I would conclude that netnews is far more addictive than cocaine.” » Rob Stampfli
“I don’t do drugs. I am drugs.” » Salvador Dali
“All drugs of any interest to any moderately intelligent person in America are now illegal.” » Thomas Szasz
“Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system.” » P.J. O’Rourke
“Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” » P.J. O’Rourke
“I once tried to snort Coke but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.” » Johnny Yune
“Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It’s nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it’s anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we’ll all be hooked on phonics.” » Leighann Lord
“Avoid all needle drugs – the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.” » Abbie Hoffman
“Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they’re the scenic route.”
“Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window except that the birds might eat them.” » Martin H. Fischer
“A miracle drug is any drug that will do what the label says it will do.” » Eric Hodgins
“It is difficult to live without opium after having known it because it is difficult, after knowing opium, to take earth seriously. And unless one is a saint, it is difficult to live without taking earth seriously.” » Jean Cocteau
“It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions but hard to get one single remedy.” » Chinese Proverb

“In the 1960s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.”
“God made pot. Man made beer. Who do you trust?” » Graffiti
“I don’t like people who take drugs. Customs agents, for example.”
“Thou hast the keys of Paradise, oh, just, subtle, and mighty opium!” » Thomas De Quincey
“Bones: “But cannabis has been used for thousands of years in a medicinal capacity. Even the ancient Egyptians used marijuana to treat hemorrhoids.” Booth: “Which, you know, they probably got from sitting around being stoned all day.” Bones: “The High in the Low,” » Keith Foglesong
“You know you’re a grownup when your houseplants are alive and you can’t smoke any of them.”
“He does not need opium. He has the gift of reverie.” » Anais Nin
“Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren’t penalized for being on grass.” » Bob Hope
“One pill, two pill, three pill, four, five pill, six pill, seven pill, floor.” » Anon.
“It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must from time to time be present.” » Antonin Artaud
“Opiate. An unlocked door in the prison of Identity. It leads into the jail yard.” » Ambrose Bierce
“The last time somebody said, ‘I find I can write much better with a word processor.’, I replied, ‘They used to say the same thing about drugs.” » Roy Blount, Jr.
“The whole LSD, STP, marijuana, heroin, hashish, prescription cough medicine crowd suffers from the Watchtower itch: you gotta be with us, man, or you’re out, you’re dead. This pitch is a continual and seeming MUST with those who use the stuff. It’s no wonder they keep getting busted.” » Charles Bukowski
“Under the pressure of the cares and sorrows of our mortal condition, men have at all times, and in all countries, called in some physical aid to their moral consolations – wine, beer, opium, brandy, or tobacco.” » Edmund Burke

“Junk is the ideal product… the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.” » William S. Burroughs
“Everything one does in life, even love, occurs in an express train racing toward death. To smoke opium is to get out of the train while it is still moving. It is to concern oneself with something other than life or death.” » Jean Cocteau
“Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.” » Salvador Dali
“There seems to be no stopping drug frenzy once it takes hold of a nation. What starts with an innocuous HUGS, NOT DRUGS bumper sticker soon leads to wild talk of shooting dealers and making urine tests a condition for employment – anywhere.” » Barbara Ehrenreich
“There is held to be no surer test of civilization than the increase per head of the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Yet alcohol and tobacco are recognizable poisons, so that their consumption has only to be carried far enough to destroy civilization altogether.” » Havelock Ellis
“Tobacco and opium have broad backs, and will cheerfully carry the load of armies, if you choose to make them pay high for such joy as they give and such harm as they do.” » Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I don’t use drugs; my dreams are frightening enough.” » M. C. Escher
“Nobody stopped thinking about those psychedelic experiences. Once you’ve been to some of those places, you think, How can I get back there again but make it a little easier on myself?” » Jerry Garcia
“Marijuana is a useful catalyst for specific optical and aural aesthetic perceptions. I apprehended the structure of certain pieces of jazz and classical music in a new manner under the influence of marijuana, and these apprehensions have remained valid in years of normal consciousness.” » Allen Ginsberg
“Nobody saves America by sniffing cocaine, jiggling your knees blankly in the rain. When it snows in your nose you catch cold in your brain.” » Allen Ginsberg
“No monster vibration, no snake universe hallucinations. Many tiny jeweled violet flowers along the path of a living brook that looked like Blake’s illustration for a canal in grassy Eden: huge Pacific watery shore, Orlovsky dancing naked like Shiva long-haired before giant green waves, titanic cliffs that Wordsworth mentioned in his own Sublime, great yellow sun veiled with mist hanging over the planet’s oceanic horizon. No harm.” » Allen Ginsberg
“Thou source of all my bliss and all my woe, that found me poor at first, and keep me so.” » Oliver Goldsmith
“Only one thing is certain: if pot is legalized, it won’t be for our benefit but for the authorities . To have it legalized will also be to lose control of it.” » Germaine Greer
“A drug is neither moral nor immoral – it’s a chemical compound. The compound itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole.” » Frank Zappa

“Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” » P. J. O’Rourke
“Drugs are reality’s legal loopholes.” » Jeremy P. Johnson
“I learned why they’re called wonder drugs – you wonder what they’ll do to you.” » Harlan Miller
“I tried to give up drugs by drinking.” » Lou Reed
“If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution – then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise.” » Aldous Huxley
“In my day, we didn’t have the cocaine, so we went out and knocked somebody over the head and took the money. But today, all this cocaine and crack, it doesn’t give kids a chance.” » Barry White

“Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating.” » Richard Neville
“It is in the interests of our society to promote those things that take the edge off, keep us busy with our fixes, and keep us slightly numbed out and zombie like. In this way our modern consumer society itself functions as an addict.” » Anne W. Schaef
“Let us not forget who we are. Drug abuse is a repudiation of everything America is.” » Ronald Reagan