April Fool Quotes, Wishes, Pranks and Ideas

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April Fool Quotes, Wishes, Pranks and Ideas: April Fools’ Day is celebrated annually on 1st of April. On this day people play pranks on their friend and families or may be enemies too!

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April Fools Day Quotes and Wishes

“What a fool does in the end, the wise do in the beginning.”

“Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.” » Theodor Adorno

“Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It’s good to be silly at the right moment.” » Horace

“You’re really smart to wait until after midnight to tell me you love me.”

“Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, And I’ll forgive Thy great big one on me.” » Robert Frost

“I’ll better wait for tomorrow to tell you I’m pregnant to avoid confusion in your mind.”

“You’ve done really good job deceiving and degrading me.”

“A word to the wise ain’t necessary — it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.”

“Art is not a study of positive reality, it is the seeking for ideal truth.” » John Ruskin

“Any your April fool’s Day prank won’t be so bad than that’ve already happened to me this year.”

“You should know, that no one understood it was an April fool’s joke because no one expected you have a sense of humor.”

“He who is born a fool is never cured.”

“If we would have sex tonight I’d be happy with you telling everyone it was just an April fool’s joke.”

“I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two on their payroll to test things.” » Alan Coren

“You should know that on April fool’s Day my natural mistrust of others will go up to a level nearly the psychosis.”

“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.” » Will Roger

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” » Chinese Proverb

“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.” » Will Rogers

“It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor.” » Max Eastman

“Anything you say I won’t take it seriously and it doesn’t matter we talk today or any other day of the year.”

“I noticed your unhealthy lifestyle what makes cardiac arrest a possible outcome from an April fool’s joke”

“Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever.” » Charles Lamb
“A man always blames the woman who fools him. In the same way he blames the door he walks into in the dark.” » Henry Louis Mencken

“If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.” » Welsh Proverb

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” » Abraham Lincoln

“Art is man’s expression of his joy in labor.” » Henry A. Kissinger

“Art is a revolt against fate.” » Andre Malraux

“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” » Twyla Tharp

“April fool’s pregnancy prank would not have succeeded if it wasn’t for your reckless promiscuity.”

“Art is the proper task of life.” » Friedrich Nietzsche

“The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being, but to remind him that he is already degraded.” » George Orwell

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” » Thomas Merton

“The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in the world. Thomas Shadwell

“I’m sorry you had to leave thanks to my April fool’s Day joke.”

“A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.” » William Blake

“I wish your workday won’t be as boring as a multi-billion dollar company’s April fool’s Day prank.”

“Even the gods love jokes.” » Plato

“A fool may be known by six things: anger without cause; speech without profit; change without progress; inquiry without object; putting trust in a stranger; and mistaking foes for friends.” » Arabian Proverb

“It’s interesting if changing your Facebook relationship status as an April fool’s joke would be the end of your relationship.”

“Making you believe you’re the father was the best prank I could have dreamed up.”

“Unemployment gives me plenty of time to make some cunning April fool’s pranks on the people who made me unemployed.”

“This year I had problems with any good pranks, so I sent your whole family a photo of my balls.”

“The first of April, some do say, Is set apart for All Fool’s Day; But why the people call it so, Nor I, nor they themselves, do know, But on this day are people sent, On purpose for pure merriment.” » Poor Robin’s Almanac

“Foolproof systems to not take into account the ingenuity of fools.” » Gene Brown

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” » Oscar Wilde

“So, rather than appear foolish afterward, I renounce seeming clever now.”

“It’s not my fault I haven’t wished you happy birthday. I wasn’t sure that Facebook was not making an April fool’s joke on me.”

“The maple syrup’s full of ants. A mouse is creeping on the shelf. Is that a spider on your back? I ate the whole pie by myself. The kitchen sink just overflowed. A flash flood washed away the school. I threw your blanket in the trash. I never lie – April Fool!” » Myra Cohn Livingston

“I wish I could be on jury duty on April fool’s day.”

“I believe you still think it’s March, so I am sure you won’t pull any April fool’s Day pranks on me.”

“April fool’s Day should be the best time to inform you that you have no idea where my clitoris is located.”

“You should understand by yourself that staging a murder is not the best April fool’s Day prank.”

“I don’t think I’ll worry about any April fool’s Day pranks, I’ll be too upset that it’s Monday.”

“I’ve a feeling that my introduction to highly unpleasant friend was your attempt for an April fool’s joke.”


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