50+ Inspirational Love Quotes and Sayings

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21. Never put the key to your happiness in somebody else’s pocket.”

22. Fake love is worse than real hate.”

23. Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.”

24. When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think about how patient god has been with you.”

25. When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.”

26. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to love you fully. Every single day.”

27. Reminder: your most important relationship is with yourself”

28. To my boyfriend the day I met you, I found my missing piece you complete me by your warm heat and soul. You have got the arms I want to be wrapped in you have got the eyes I want to get lost in you have got the smile I can never resist you have got the voice I want to listen to for hours no matter what happens no matter where we are I will forever and always be yours and only yours I love you”

29. Good night may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.”

30. A real boyfriend!!! – Says #I love you” for no reason – Calls you because he wants to hear your beautiful voice – Gets angry and jealous when u talk to other boys – Who loves your souls more than your body”

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