34+ Good Morning Quotes And Images That Will Inspire Your Day

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#11. Good morning is not just a greeting. It signifies a hope that this beautiful morning will bring a smile to your face and happiness in your life.”

#12. The bend in the road sometimes we come to life’s crossroads and we view what we think is the end. But god has a much wider vision and he knows that it’s only a bend – the road will go on and get smoother and after we’ve stopped for a rest, the path that lies hidden beyond us is often the path that is best. So rest and relax and grow stronger, let go and let god share your load and have faith in a brighter tomorrow – you’ve just come to a bend in the road. Good morning”

#13. Good morning have a beautiful Monday!”

#14. Happiness is sharing a cup of cozy with a friend”

Good Morning Quotes And Images

#15. Good morning I don’t know what is more romantic the thought of meeting you soon or the dream I had about you last night.”

#16. Good morning today is a beautiful day may god take care of all your needs… Touch your life with contentment. Bless your heart with love and faith. Comfort your soul with gladness and inner peace. Grant you good health, lasting comfort and relief from the burdens of life! God is good all the time!”

#17. Good morning sunshine”

#18. Good morning! The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.”

#19. A lesson from our hand: All fingers are not of the same length. But when they bend, all stands equal. Thus life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations.”

#20. Good morning the strongest people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own problems.”

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