250+ Depression Quotes And Sayings About Depression

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#61. Behind my smile is a breaking heart, behind my laugh I’m falling apart, behind my eyes are tears at night, behind my body is a soul trying to fight.”

#62. And then it all started to fall apart. Again.”

#63. Depression is that feeling of being homesick, but not knowing where home is.”

#64. The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why.”

#65. How did I go from that little 5 year old, always happy & always laughing, to… this?.”

#66. Maybe I’m just not meant to live a happy life. May be pain is all I’ll ever know.”

#67. Depression is not being able to talk about your problems, while taking on everyone else’s just to hide your own.”


#69. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”

#70. Sometimes it’s better to be alone nobody can hurt you.”

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