15 Inspiring Alexander Hamilton Quotes

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Alexander Hamilton was an American statesman and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He died on July 12, 1804, at the age of 47 in Greenwich Village, New York City, New York, United States.

Below is the collection of top famous and inspiring Alexander Hamilton Quotes with images.

Alexander Hamilton Quotes


In the general course of human nature, A power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will. – Alexander Hamilton

“A promise must never be broken.” – Alexander Hamilton

“The practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.” – Alexander Hamilton

“A strong body makes the mind strong… I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind.” ― Alexander Hamilton

“The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.” Alexander Hamilton

“Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others.” – Alexander Hamilton

“Civil liberty is only natural liberty, modified and secured by the sanctions of civil society. It is not a thing, in its own nature, precarious and dependent on human will and caprice; but it is conformable to the constitution of man, as well as necessary to the well-being of society.” — Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton Quotes

“Hard words are very rarely useful. Real firmness is good for every thing. Strut is good for nothing.” ― Alexander Hamilton

People sometimes attribute my success to my genius; all the genius I know anything about is hard work. Alexander Hamilton

“I think the first duty of society is justice.” – Alexander Hamilton

“A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one.” ― Alexander Hamilton

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” – Alexander Hamilton

“Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.” ― Alexander Hamilton

“Power over a man’s subsistence is power over his will.” – Alexander Hamilton

“Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many.” ― Alexander Hamilton

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